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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lot, Parcel, & Tax On Property

I found STRONG EVIDENCE that, property, NOT by construction of a house or structure but, the property line, its self.. What I found wonderful (the law, of course!) is that, the property line is what your beginning taxed for..

Doesn't make sense, right?

Well, I found myself, watching a guy walk across 'private property' and in doing so, caught the attention of law enforcement.. In doing this "action", the prescribed asked him for his identification and he asked if, he had trespassed on the property ( ).. Conclusively, the cop was 'enlightened' of the circumstances surrounding the FACT he hadn't, in fact, trespass on the property, yet, he was ON the property ( )...

Now, how did that happen: Good question, right?

By looking at the county scripted parcel, he had been walking the on the boarder of the property line.. Something about that, made sense since the state, county or municipality ONLY tax's the people or person, for the property line in the definition on the property line, from which, tax's are paid on...

Does that include, structure's and private property via PRIVATE works such as, bank created property on parcel or lot?

Yes, it does! Funny thing is, in EVERY STATE if, ANYONE fails to pay the tax, for the parcel or lot (NOT, on the private property, settlement, or physical property, residing on the taxable LAND) it is INSTANTLY goes back to the state, via the county, municipality or court (which every that has it in escrow with the accountant, payer, or bank) via a lien (Example: )

How wonderful so, what does it do for ME?

Well, for one if, your in foreclosure and decide you'd like to stay on your property, using the parcel or lot as a legal description then, "selling" your future tax lien's, to a 3rd party while, allowing them to "act" the collection's agent, is next to be a injunction on PENDING FUTURE account receivables (NOTE: The tax bill, has to be in YOUR name or the name of supposed, owner, of the property!) (Example: ) This "injunction" acts as a 'buffer' from allowing anyone else, from making a claim on your property (e.g. trespassing on a contractors taxable commodity) as long as their is a lien holder, of some kind, on public record...

Are we, suspending, the rights of the bank or receiver, of a mortgage in some way, shape, form or fashion?

Not exactly (they can proceed, in foreclosure) but, a lien, on the parcel or lot, is a MANDATE.. No law, superseding the course of law, is to be had where the state, is still in its collections 'efforts'... Make it better is, say, the physical property is 'worth' $400k (thousand) and the tax bill is, say, $4k (thousand)... Now, if you don't pay it, the state can come in and have the bank, 'transfer' the note to them too BALANCE their accounts..

What the DIFFERENCE, on $396k (thousand)? The system is gorgeous (nice looking woman), isn't it?!!? lol

The Man- Politics & MoneY

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